Tuesday, February 14, 2012

The Lifelong Learning Institute

Several bloggers on this site have noted how fortunate Kendal at Granville is to have Denison University so close at hand. That's very true. But today I want to get in a plug for another valuable neighbor, the Central Ohio Technical College. I mention this because, less than a year ago, COTC brought the Lifelong Learning Institute onto its Pataskala campus. And this action has opened up another grand learning opportunity for Kendal residents.

In case you haven't heard of the Lifelong Learning Institute (and I hadn't), let me fill you in on a little background. Its stated purpose is to provide "educational opportunities for mature learners in Central Ohio." More specifically – and I continue to quote from a brochure it produced – it aims at helping seniors "broaden and extend their knowledge, share their life experiences," and "interact socially with other lifelong learners."

Its course offerings feature subjects in the traditional arts and sciences, including studies in philosophy, spirituality, and economics. But in its goal of being useful, LLI also offers courses on topics related to national and world affairs. Since the wider Columbus area boasts a wealth of persons whose combined expertises cover a diverse set of fields, LLI has a rich range of potential faculty to choose from, and so the instructors of these courses come to their LLI assignments with commitment, instructional experience, and deep knowledge. An annual fee of $90.00 allows an LLI member entry into any and all of the course offerings.

I first became aware of the LLI in the fall of 2011 and almost immediately requested a catalogue of winter courses. When it arrived, it proved a delight. The upcoming offerings included full courses on "A History of the Movies," the "Geology of U.S. National Parks," the role of "Ohio in the Civil War," a survey of "Immigration Law and Policy: Facts, Myths, and an Analysis of the Political Landscape," and an "Introduction to Thomas Merton."

The winter catalogue also listed a series of one-off Coffee and Conversation Events. Notable among them was "An Introduction to Buddhism," a topic made particularly salient in this region by the recent decision of a Thai Buddhist community to build a temple in Pataskala. Another Coffee and Conversation Event was "An Introduction to Social Media," an event aimed perhaps as much at those who follow current trends in society as at those (in the mature learner set) who find themselves struggling to keep up with the world of their grandchildren. Other Coffee and Conversation events focused on financial exploitation; the history of Columbus's famous old department store, Lazarus; and the future of iPads, smart phones, electronic readers, and other varieties of mobile technology.

What a menu!

Since my wife and I are enthusiastic subscribers to Netflix and frequent viewers of Turner Classic Movies, I decided that I would take my first plunge into the world of LLI by signing up for "A History of the Movies." It turned out to be a happy choice. Along with perhaps thirty other mature learners – as you've noticed, that's LLI's flattering jargon for its audience – I spent four Friday mornings in January learning about the invention of the technology that made moving pictures possible, about the talkie-revolution, about the marketing of movies, about the rise and fall of the studio system, about the effects of television on the film industry, and about the technological marvels that are yet again transforming America's preeminent entertainment industry.

And of course we saw lots of clips. From early silents (including European efforts). From Birth of a Nation. From the glorious 1920s. From the annus mirabilis of 1939. Shots of famous chases, races, kisses, and explosions. Lots of iconic film history images. And a knowledgeable class of mature learners was always at the ready to chip in with their own recollections and judgments.

As for our instructor, he was lively, informed, entertaining, and organized. His background was in the theater, and he had a personal film library to die for. Who could ask for anything more?

So what am I getting at? Just this: judging from my own experience, we at Kendal at Granville now have a new avenue for exploring our world and a new way of meeting fellow explorers. For this opportunity we owe COTC and the Lifelong Learning Institute much gratitude. (And while you're offering thanks, be sure to write away for a copy of the spring catalogue.)

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Passing Observations Regarding Construction Project

From the beginning talks about Kendal's Phase II Construction our administrative staff has endeavored to involve residents and to keep all of us informed about it.  Focus groups  allowed us input at the onset.  Question and answer sessions addressed worries.  Monthly reports from our Director at our association meetings and in our newsletter along with items posted on the Kendal TV Channel  continue to provide us up-to-date information on what is happening. A representative of the construction company has a standing invitation to appear at our monthly association meetings to bring us timely reports on progress or explanations for lack of progress such as  weather or failure of needed materials to appear as scheduled.

We've learned a lot more about geothermal heating both from a presentation by one of the men on the project team and from direct observation of the installation of the system.  We are becoming accustomed to the necessary interruptions in various utilities.  Our reactions have varied as they have affected our lives differently.  e.g.  The late at night hour-long cutoff of the TV no doubt bothered few people because they were already in bed asleep.  But for an insomniac like me who  got mixed up as to the day it was to occur not so.  I found  myself watching a two part program which was cut off at the end of part I. When my TV screen went black, I quickly figured out what was happening and chalked it up as one more  program I would have to either catch as a rerun or leave as an unsolved mystery.

We made it through what AEP referred to as a "planned outage".  Not only did they not think to schedule it during daylight  hours when there would be fewer problems,  they didn't tell us it was planned and it happened during our dinner hour.  Luckily our resourceful dining room staff has learned from previous outages during storms how to make do on limited emergency power. They got diners through the experience like the pros they are.  After dinner one of our talented residents played  the piano for the amusement  of those of us who had made our way to the lobby with our assorted flash lights. 

We are also learning how to handle announced as well as impromptu changes in traffic patterns, one way streets, moved stop signs, trucks unloading supplies, etc.  On dry days we cope with blowing dust and on wet days we're learning to avoid the muddiest spots the best we can and to remove what we can't avoid as soon as possible before it becomes dry and hardened in place.

Yesterday afternoon at the east end where I live they were driving pylons into the ground.  This really had my apartment shaking.  Not only could I feel the vibrations through my feet when I walked on the floor,  I also could hear many of the things in my apartment rattling or vibrating against the wall.  I could even feel the vibrations as I relaxed in my recliner. All of this was accompanied by a low disconcerting sort of rumbling noise. I was relieved when it stopped.

I've discovered that an observation post  has been established on the second floor at the east end of the apartment building where a window conveniently overlooks the building site .   Two chairs have been drawn up for the comfort of observers. Someone has also been thoughtful enough to place  copies of the site plan close at hand..  Yesterday when I went up to check it out, I discovered that it really does give a much more comprehensive overview of the site compared with that at ground level. As I surveyed the number of huge trucks, cranes, and other like equipment I couldn't  help remembering something I had once heard, "The only difference between men and boys is the size and cost of their toys."

Along with the promise of wonderful new accommodations to come the construction project gives us a variety of topics of conversation  with two major areas of activity and a third yet to be started when work starts on the Gathering Center.   Life is never dull here at Kendal at Granville.