Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Mary Poppins Pays Kendal a Visit

On Sunday, November 1, five outstanding performers from the Weathervane Young Artists Repertory Theater (WYART) came to Kendal to entertain the residents with songs from the wonderful score of Mary Poppins. They are preparing a stage performance of the musical, and they visited to Kendal to share their gifts and enthusiasm.

It's hard to imagine a happier play. Everyone from our Kendal generation has recollections of this enchanting film, starring Julie Andrews and Dick Van Dyke. The young singers – ranging in age from ten to thirteen – brought those happy memories back to mind even as they brought the joys of the story back to life.

The talented performers were Chris Curran, Brant McFarland, Keilan Stuart, Kayleigh Stuart, and Laine Stultz. They were introduced by Erika Wills, the woman who is directing this enterprise. Among the pieces they performed were the delightful "Spoonful of Sugar," the instructive "Perfect Nanny," and the haunting "Chim Chim Cher-ee."

It is a bromide of the stage that performers should leave their audience asking for more. That's what happened on Sunday. The sheer cheeriness of the young people, the liveliness of the music, and the skills they displayed delighted the audience. Besides, we oldsters like to have opportunities to share space with youngsters. For all these reasons Kendal residents were grateful for the visit.