Friday, September 24, 2010

Musings on Life at Kendal

I've heard some people say, "I'm not ready yet for life at a CCRC." If they are saying that because they think living at a CCRC is a place where people sit around gathering dust they have a lot to learn about life as it is lived at a CCRC like Kendal at Granville. The only place where dust gathers here is in the corners of our four-car carports. When the wind blows on a dry dusty day, all sorts of dust bunnies may gather in the corners but elsewhere there are lots of assorted activities to keep us engaged. If dust gathers on anyone, it's purely a matter of choice

Some weeks I can scarcely keep up with what's happening let alone take it all in. It's a good thing Kendal helps us keep track of what's available both on and off campus by providing lots of reminders via bulletin boards, memos, newsletters, TV, and Sarah. Sarah is our disembodied caller who relays messages en masse by phone when called upon to do so.

Some times just thinking about all there is to do leaves me breathless. Without my personal weekly calendar to keep track of my choices from the great bounty of offerings I would be lost. Even with it I can miss something. Just last Thursday I made sure I got to Fiber Arts on time because I was planning to leave early. The Gallery Committee, of which I am a member, had called a special meeting to figure out what to do because an anticipated exhibitor had declined our invitation to display her works.

Before we could fully resolve our alternative plan we realized that the noon serving time was disappearing. Some of us needed to get there or miss a meal. But first we had to figure out a time when we could meet again. Easier said than done because of our busy schedules. These were the kinds of things that we had to consider: one of us had water exercises every M-W-F from 10:00 to 11:00 a.m., another couldn't make it on Saturday because she had The Geek Squad coming to help sort out computer problems, someone else had a medical appointment, and so it went. We finally found a time on Monday afternoon (I just didn't mention it was when I usually went to the fitness room to workout. I figured I would just fit it in at some other time.)

Before going to lunch I hurried back to my apartment to take my noontime meds. Coming in I saw the phone message blinking. There were two messages. The first was from the Wellness Center telling me the lab tech was there waiting to draw my blood. Oops! I knew the lab tech would be long gone by the time I heard the message. I have blood drawn routinely to follow a chronic anemia problem. But this time the date hadn't made it to my calendar.

Fortunately, a quick call to the nurse in the Wellness Center allowed my to apologize, explain what had happened, and arrange for a new date. Then it was off to lunch because at 1:30 p.m. I needed to be at the annual meeting of the Residents Association. Any wonder at 2:30 p.m. I was ready for a nap or at least some sort of time out.

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