Monday, May 20, 2013

Looking Ahead

For almost two years we have been looking ahead to the end of the construction of Phase II here at Kendal at Granivlle.  The project began with a ground breaking celebration and excitement about adding twenty-four new apartment, thirty-two new skilled nursing beds, and eleven assisted living units as well as our longed for Gathering Room and remodeling of the dining area and kitchen.  There was lots to talk about as to design and decor mixed in with the comings and goings of construction workers and supplies. 

Of course, this was accompanied by adaptation to the rearrangement of furniture and routines.  The most difficult part of this was during the work on the dining room and kitchen when the serving area was moved into one dining room which was consequently displaced into the main lobby.  At that time our dining and kitchen staff and maintenace staff really stretched themselves to the utmost to make it all work smoothly for us.  We rejoiced with them when the remodeled areas were open providing us with improved service and a reconfiguration of the space which lessened congestion in the serving area.

As the initial excitement  faded and it all became "old hat"  we began to grow anxious to see it come to an end.  When our Executive Director, and a representative of the construction company gave their regular reports at our Residents' Association meetings, there were invariably questions about "how soon?"   Both of them not only told us what we could look forward to in the next few week  but also patiently answered our questions and responded to occational complaints. 

Late last month we were provided with an opportunity to visit the completed new health center and the new apartments.   Those of us who had been patients in the old health center were impressed with the changes we saw showing how carefully the planners had listened to suggestions for improvement.  We were likewise impressed with the changes  to the apartment plans

Now as the end of Phase II is drawing near we are heartened by the arrival of the first contingent of residents to move into the  new apartments and look forward to the arrival of the others scheduled to move in this summer.  April 29 was a red letter day as the the occupants of skilled nursing were moved into the new skilled nursing beds. 

Constrution on the Gathering Room has progressed to the point where we can look into it through the windows and  see how grand it looks.  We look ahead to the kinds of programs  which can be held there with a stage and a lot more space for both the presenters and the audience.

Best of all we look ahead to the completion of the final phase of this project which began back in the summer of 2011.  According to our Director and construction representative we can anticipate the dedication of all of this at the end of June.  We look ahead to joining together in one really big celebration in our new Gathering Room. 

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